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Andrew MuskOnline

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User Balance 586,890 / Tokens

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  • Arbitrum (ARB)

    Arbitrum là một dự án giải pháp mở rộng quy mô Lớp 2 cho Ethereum hỗ trợ các ứng dụng Ethereum. Nó sử dụng công nghệ rollup lạc quan để nhóm các lô giao dịch nhằm tiết kiệm phí gas. ARB là mã thông báo quản trị gốc của nó.

  • Arbitrum (ARB)

    Arbitrum is a Layer 2 scaling solution project for Ethereum that supports Ethereum applications. It utilizes optimistic rollup technology to group batches of transactions to save on gas fees. ARB is its native governance token.

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    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Flux (FLUX)

    Flux là mạng điện toán đám mây phi tập trung trên blockchain Flux, sử dụng cơ chế đồng thuận Proof-of-work (PoW). Trong hệ sinh thái Flux, người dùng có thể vận hành các nút để khai thác phần thưởng token FLUX, mua tài nguyên tính toán và thanh toán phí mạng.

  • Profile picture of Andrew Musk

    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Flux (FLUX)

    Flux 是 Fl​​ux 区块链上的去中心化云计算网络,采用工作量证明 (PoW) 共识机制。在 Flux 生态系统中,用户可以操作节点来挖掘 FLUX 代币奖励、购买计算资源并支付网络费用。

  • Profile picture of Andrew Musk

    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    ফ্লাক্স হল ফ্লাক্স ব্লকচেইনের একটি বিকেন্দ্রীকৃত ক্লাউড কম্পিউটিং নেটওয়ার্ক, যা প্রুফ-অফ-ওয়ার্ক (PoW) কনসেনসাস মেকানিজম ব্যবহার করে। ফ্লাক্স ইকোসিস্টেমের মধ্যে, ব্যবহারকারীরা ফ্লাক্স টোকেন পুরষ্কার খনির জন্য নোডগুলি পরিচালনা করতে, গণনামূলক সংস্থানগুলি ক্রয় করতে এবং নেটওয়ার্ক ফিগুলির জন্য অর্থ প্রদান করতে সক্ষম।

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