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Andrew MuskOffline

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    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Litentry (LIT)

    O Litentry é um protocolo descentralizado de agregação de identidade em múltiplas redes, apresentando um mecanismo de indexação de Identidade Descentralizada (DID) e uma rede de computação de crédito baseada em substrato.

  • Profile picture of Andrew Musk

    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Litentry (LIT)

    Litentry est un protocole d'agrégation d'identité décentralisé sur plusieurs réseaux, doté d'un mécanisme d'indexation d'identité décentralisée (DID) et d'un réseau de calcul de crédit basé sur le substrat.

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    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    লিটেনট্রি হল একাধিক নেটওয়ার্ক জুড়ে একটি বিকেন্দ্রীকৃত পরিচয় একত্রীকরণ প্রোটোকল, যেখানে একটি বিকেন্দ্রীভূত পরিচয় (ডিআইডি) সূচীকরণ প্রক্রিয়া এবং একটি সাবস্ট্রেট-ভিত্তিক ক্রেডিট গণনা নেটওয়ার্ক রয়েছে।

  • Profile picture of Andrew Musk

    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Litentry (LIT)

    Litentry 是一个跨多个网络的去中心化身份聚合协议,具有去中心化身份(DID)索引机制和基于 Substrate 的信用计算网络。

  • Profile picture of Andrew Musk

    Andrew Musk added new Platform

    Litentry (LIT)

    Litentry là một giao thức tổng hợp danh tính phi tập trung trên nhiều mạng, có cơ chế lập chỉ mục Danh tính phi tập trung (DID) và mạng tính toán tín dụng dựa trên Substrate.

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