Hamster Kombat’s token has seen a dramatic decline shortly after the viral Telegram mini-game distributed millions of tokens to users. Following its token generation event and exchange listing on September 26, Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) has dropped nearly 60%. Initially priced at around $0.012 across platforms like Binance and decentralized exchange Ebi, HMSTR is currently trading for less than $0.0058, marking a consistent downturn since its late September launch.
Hamster Kombat quickly gained traction as a popular mini-game on The Open Network Toncoin and the Telegram messaging app, positioning itself to rival projects like Notcoin. Despite some listing delays, the game enjoyed pre-launch success, attracting over 150 million users.
However, following the token’s listing, community engagement has significantly dwindled. Many users have departed from the project’s Telegram and other social media platforms as HMSTR’s price has sharply declined. This downturn has been largely attributed to a perceived lackluster token airdrop, which appears to be a key factor behind the subdued price movement and diminishing community interest.
Although over 131 million accounts were eligible for the HMSTR token distribution, many users expressed disappointment regarding their individual allocations. Public sentiment soured just hours before the token’s listing, with post-distribution reactions reflecting similar dissatisfaction.
Despite facing recent challenges, the anonymous team behind Hamster Kombat remains dedicated to progressing the TON-powered blockchain game. Last week, they revised their roadmap to incorporate support for non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The developers also announced plans for a web app designed for both desktop and mobile users, featuring NFT integrations. Additionally, they introduced a new airdrop round, dubbed “Season 2,” to further engage the community.